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    6 Posts

    @escape said in How are native apps able to show user created content with text and images at random places? (placements inside a listview, etc):

    Is this only possible with web view?

    A web browser is a native application, so your premise is a bit confusing.

    If you want to show web content specifically, then you'll need to use something that can show web content like a WebView. If you want to show something arbitrary based on user input, then that just describes most applications. A picture viewer will show whatever image a user wants to open. A word processor will show whatever content a user types. A paint program will show whatever content a user draws, etc. A web browser isn't fundamentally any different from something like a word processor. The program displays stuff on screen based on data it has loaded.

    @escape said in How are native apps able to show user created content with text and images at random places? (placements inside a listview, etc):

    Is it normal to use a local html file in webengine and connect to python/c++ via webchannel to make a hybrid app? To fetch data from an api/server and displaying it in the app?

    People who are really used to web dev sometimes like to use HTML for making UI. Personally, I just find it confusing and overly complicated to add HTML and webs tuff to an application that doesn't need it because my background isn't mainly web stuff. But it's certainly not terribly unusual.

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    7 Posts


    Ok, after fiddling around with debugging and testing things, I believe I have solved it. So my thought process was the user inputs an IP Address and before closing the popup numberpad, clicks on the different LineEdits to change the IP Mask That is why I was checking if(num->isVisible()) because then it would close/delete/popup each time a LineEdit is clicked. I was having problems/segmentation faults because after the user clicks "Done" (or presses Enter/Return on the keyboard), the popup is deleted so checking isVisible()) resulted in errors.

    To fix this, I created a boolean value numVis that is true if the numberpad is visible, and false otherwise. It is this value that I am now checking and everything seems to work just fine. I hope this makes sense.

    I will go ahead and mark this as solved.

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    4 Posts

    Just as a note.
    There is no difference adding widgets in code or adding via Designer.
    The setupUI() as seen in mainwindow ctor creates the Designer widgets as code.

    So the only true difference is handwritten versus generated from UI file.
    Also adding via Designer, gives easier translations as the translate function is generated for the user.

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    2 Posts

    Hi and welcome to devnet,

    The usual combo is currently QML for the UI and C++ for the business logic. What industry are you targeting ?

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    2 Posts

    Hi and welcome to devnet,

    How are you updating your progress bar ?

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    3 Posts


    To add to @mrjj, if you want to add support for the dock icon drop, take a look at QOpenFileEvent There's an example there. Follow the link, the example is not part of Qt 5.5's documentation but will be in 5.6

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